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doc icon DUGiDocs 1 novembre 2015 Adsorption of odorous sulfur compounds onto activated carbons modified by gamma irradiation Vega Martínez, Esther ; Sánchez-Polo, Manuel ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
out url icon Recercat Adsorption of volatile sulphur compounds onto modified activated carbons: effect of oxygen functional groups Vega Martínez, ESther ; Lemus, Jesús ; Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Palomar, José ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs 4 maig 2013 Adsorption of volatile sulphur compounds onto modified activated carbons: effect of oxygen functional groups Vega Martínez, Esther ; Lemus, Jesús ; Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Palomar, José ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2023 Aplicació de diferents esmenes orgàniques en pomera per a la millora de les propietats del sòl Vila Poch, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2024 Avaluació de la ultrafiltració com a operació unitària prèvia a la filtració per carbó activat en la potabilització a l’ETAP de Montfullà Coll Cabarrocas, Marçal
out url icon Recercat Biogas upgrading: Optimal activated carbon properties for siloxane removal Cabrera-Codony, Alba ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; Sánchez-Polo, Manuel ; Martín, María José ; González Olmos, Rafael
doc icon DUGiDocs 2 juny 2014 Biogas upgrading: Optimal activated carbon properties for siloxane removal Cabrera-Codony, Alba ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; Sánchez-Polo, Manuel ; Martín, María José ; González Olmos, Rafael
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2018 Caracterització de siloxans adsorbits en carbó activat provinent d’EDARs Miró Martín, Òscar
doc icon DUGiDocs juliol 2024 Evaluation of the chemical risk in drinking water treatment plant. Figueres Drinking Water Treatment Plant Carreras i Quintana, Guillem
out url icon Recercat H2O2-based oxidation processes for the regeneration of activated carbons saturated with volatile organic compounds of different polarity Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2013 H2O2-based oxidation processes for the regeneration of activated carbons saturated with volatile organic compounds of different polarity Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2016 Is activated charcoal properly indicated in emergency departments from Girona?: a cross-sectional study Viñas Solans, Ignasi
out url icon Recercat Is activated charcoal properly indicated in emergency departments from Girona?: a cross-sectional study Viñas Solans, Ignasi
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat New insights into the influence of activated carbon surface oxygen groups on H2O2 decomposition and oxidation of pre-adsorbed volatile organic compounds Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; García-Suárez, Eduardo J. ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2014 New insights into the influence of activated carbon surface oxygen groups on H2O2 decomposition and oxidation of pre-adsorbed volatile organic compounds Anfruns Bagaria, Alba ; García-Suárez, Eduardo J. ; Montes Morán, Miguel A. ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
out url icon Recercat Regeneration of siloxane-exhausted activated carbon by advanced oxidation processes Cabrera-Codony, Alba ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 març 2015 Regeneration of siloxane-exhausted activated carbon by advanced oxidation processes Cabrera-Codony, Alba ; González Olmos, Rafael ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2017 Siloxane transformation reactions by means of activated carbon towards biological availability Martinez Calvache, Albert

